Product Reviews

Do you have a dog product or service you would like us to review? Which you believe our readers might (or will find valuable?) Then get in touch with us and tell us more about this product or service, and how exactly you want us to go about with the review.

We have a loyal and dedicated readership who are always eager to hear from us and it is from via this avenue, that will put the review of your product which we write, in front of them.

Our Approach to Dog Product Reviews!

The way we approach our product reviews is simple.

  1. We get a hold of your product- be it a physical product or a digital one.
  2. We do as much research into your product as possible, including using it where possible.
  3. We write a review of the product and publish to our website.
  4. We drive targeted paid traffic (via Facebook, Bing, or Google) to your product review page.

Our Results Speak for itself!

The below is an image of the sales that was generated from one of the products we reviewed, generating 83 product sales between Jan 1 and Aug 24 2018.

Dog Product Reviews

So don’t delay any longer. Contact us to discuss how we can help promote your product or service.